Packing for Dragon Con
It’s that time again! PACKING FOR DRAGON CON!
All of my friends are doin’ it right now! I’ll be doin’ it tonight. Already did the wash so I get to choose from ALL the underwear! LOL!
But seriously…everyone always asks, “What do I pack for Dragon Con?”
I’m here to help make this easy for you UNLESS you are cosplaying…then, there is no help for you. I send you my best, I’ll lift up prayers for you, and specifically pray you only need ONE bag (that’s not likely but hey, I can pray you get lucky! LOL!)
Are you ready? I’m going to keep this as simple as possible. Here…we…go!
Take comfortable shoes (you too, ladies! They can be cute and comfy, trust me). Take more than one pair. To be honest, take more than two pair. Make sure one or two of those are sandals (because Atlanta is called ‘Hot-lanta’ for a reason), and one are a pair of some sort of tennis shoe. Take a few more socks than you think you’ll need as well. And if you’re someone who likes to be really comfy at night while you wander your hotel? Slippers are a good idea.
NOTE: This rule below does not really pertain to the heterosexual man, unless he’s super fashion savvy, but everyone else, pay heed!
TAKE MORE SHIRTS THAN YOU THINK YOU NEED. I know you’re trying to save space (roll them up, folks) but really, don’t do the whole, “Oh, I just need 5 shirts for 5 days.” NO NO NO! You do not only need five shirts. You’ll want to change for different things you go to. You may spill things. You change what you’re in the mood to wear or you might not go to the party you thought you were and need comfier shirts. You could not be feelin’ an outfit even though it was fine when you packed. TAKE. MORE. SHIRTS. I made the error of doing this once. ONCE.
Also, take dressy shirts AND non-dressy shirts. You may want to dress up for one thing while there. So one dressy shirt or a dress or something is wise.
Bring shorts. Bring the ones you are the most comfortable in and feel you look good in. Also, even though it’s hot and you may think I’m nuts, always bring at least one pair of jeans/pants just in case. In fact, I recommend one pair of jeans and a pair or two of leggings, ladies. Men? Two pair of pants. Not counting pajama pants (unless you’re cool wandering around in those…which is totally cool, it is Dragon Con and everything is okay there, really), find two pair of something…be it jeans and work out pants…something comfy. Have it just in case.
Bring one of each. Have one or two summer weight cardigan sweaters AND a hoodie (thin or regular, depends on your body temp needs), and a dress scarf (that’s more for the ladies and the fabulously dressed). WHY? Because the A/C in some of those panel rooms is CRAZY COLD! And sometimes you get a roommate who turns the A/C to a frigid amount when you’re out of the room. Plus, these make great things to sit on when you go out to eat, ladies. This way your bare legs don’t sweat on the wooden or plastic seat. Just sayin’.
Now here is your necessities list…copy/paste these into you check list
Dental Floss
Make-up (if you wear it or need it for cosplay)
Hair Brush
Contacts and Solution (if you need them)
Eye drops (Visine is recommended if you're up late and need to be up early)
Q-tips (might sound odd but…have a few)
Hair products
Underwear (more than 5 pair, trust me)
Bras (if you wear them), and more than one
Phone charger
iPad and or Kindle or something similar (great to read while waiting in line or for panels to start w/o killing your phone battery)
First Aid Pocket Kit
Small nail clippers/file
Feminine products (if you need them or MIGHT need them)
Water Bottle
Blow Dryer (if you need one and your hotel doesn't have them)
Condoms and/or Birth Control (if you’re thinking sex might be in the cards for you at con)
Credit and Debit Cards
Drivers License or ID
Swimsuit (if your hotel has a pool that's open)
If I forgot something let me know! I’d love to add it to this list!
So…good luck, Dragon Con packers…you’re gonna need to use those Tetris skills today!
Tamsin :)